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(Chulu’s) Kofta Kebabs

My Uncle Chulu (may he rest in peace) used to make these Kebabs for us, and every time we would get together I would hope they would make an appearance! The recipe was never written down and was always loosely explained with descriptions like a pinch of this or a handful of that… With that in mind, this is my best recreation of the magic he used to make!

(Chulu’s) Kofta Kebabs

Recipe by A Sandwich LaterCourse: Entree, LunchCuisine: Middle EasternDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 1 grated sweet onion (squeezed in clean dish towel or cheese cloth of all water)

  • One bunch cilantro

  • Half a bunch parsley

  • 1 Tbsp. Toum (garlic paste/sauce)

  • 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper

  • 1 teaspoon coriander

  • 1/2 tsp cumin

  • 2 Tbsp Schug (Yemenite Israeli hot sauce, optional but strongly encouraged!)

  • Olive Oil

  • 2 Pounds Ground Meat (For the nutrition information and this recipe I used Ground Chicken) (Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Turkey [My favorite is half lamb / half beef])


  • I like to use a food processor to grate the Sweet onion so that I can squeeze all of the juice out of it in a clean dish towel, but if you don’t have a food processor you can use a box grater for this.
  • Add all of the ingredients except for the onion, olive oil, and the meat to a food processor and run until smooth, once all chopped slowly drizzle in the olive oil until a paste forms.
  • Place the onion, the meat, and the contents of the food processor into a bowl where you can hand mix / knead until everything is evenly mixed and incorporated.
  • All the previous steps can be done up to 24 hours before forming and cooking the Kebabs.
  • Take 2oz (golf ball size) of Kebab mixture and form into a little log and place on parchment paper on a cookie sheet, make sure there is about a 1/4 inch around each kebab.
  • Took cook these you have your choice of a few different ways, my preference is in the oven about 3-4 inches from the broiler element and cooking on broil for about 3 minutes the first side and 4 for the second. I also really like to BBQ these over high heat on well oiled grill grates. Lastly I have made these in a pan or an air fryer. I wouldn’t say any particular way is any better than any other, its more about what’s best for you!

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